Communication Policy

The City of Kyle is committed to open, honest communication with residents, businesses, City employees, and visitors. This plan outlines the City’s policy in regards to meeting that commitment. The following key assumptions are the basis for this plan: 

  • Communication should be a priority in the development and planning of programs and services and is necessary to the successful completion and implementation of these activities. To that end, communication resources and efforts should be considered in each part of activity planning to guarantee the success and quality of City customer service.
  • All City of Kyle personnel are involved in communication efforts on a daily basis, whether it is dealing one¬on¬one with customers and/or the general public; working with one another; or responding to the media.
  • Due to the growing complexity and volume of City of Kyle communication activities, as well as the increasing interest in the City of Kyle by both internal and external sources, an organized and formal plan is deemed necessary in order to track, monitor and access messages that are being sent and to identify additional communication tools needed to adequately inform these customers and public.

The complete policy is available by clicking the attachment at the bottom of this page.