Martin Luther King Jr. Day City Council Proclamation

Tuesday, January 19, 2021
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Martin Luther King Jr. Day City Council Proclamation

WHEREAS, The City of Kyle encourages and promotes strong and inclusive communities that recognize and celebrate efforts to bring people together for a greater good; and

WHEREAS, The City of Kyle pauses in remembrance of the life and efforts of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the observance of the day in his honor. King was the first modern private citizen to be recognized with a federal holiday. Although, this was not without significant pushback and a colossal effort started in 1968 (four days after his assassination) by not only members of Congress and the Congressional Black Caucus, but also Americans from across the country marching, advocating, and obtaining 6 million signatures. Fifteen years later (1983), the same legislation that was proposed each year was finally signed into law for the holiday to be first federally celebrated in January 1986. However, it still took years for states to adopt the observation and finally in the year 2000 every state in the Union officially observed the national holiday; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Rev. King encouraged us to commit in service for others. Reminding us if we every doubt what we can do, let us remember the words of King, “Everybody can be great… because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” and

THEREFORE, be it proclaimed by the City of Kyle that, January 18, 2021 should be remembered as

“Martin Luther King Jr. Day”

in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. and celebrating the life he lived working tirelessly for victims of racism, poverty, and injustice while promoting love, compassion, and unity with your neighbors and all members of your communities.


Travis Mitchell, Mayor
Rick Koch, Mayor Pro Tem, Council District 5
Dex Ellison, Council District 1
Yvonne Flores-Cale, Council District 2
Robert Rizo, Council District 3
Ashlee Bradshaw, Council District 4
Michael Tobias, Council District 6