Career and Technical Education Month 2021 Proclamation

Tuesday, February 2, 2021
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Career and Technical Education Month 2021 Proclamation

WHEREAS, about 1.4 million Texas secondary students are enrolled in one or more career and technical education (CTE) courses in 1,200 school districts throughout the state, and over 3,205 Hays CISD students are enrolled in CTE; and

WHEREAS, career and technical education has offered students the opportunity to gain the academic, technical and employability skills necessary for true career readiness; and

WHEREAS, Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) instill in their members the values, knowledge, and skills to be patriotic citizens prepared to engage as effective leaders fully; and

WHEREAS, career and technical education provides students with career exploration opportunities early in their educational experiences; and

WHEREAS, ensuring that employers have access to a qualified workforce is a crucial step in ensuring productivity among the business and industry communities as well as continued American economic growth and global competitiveness;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Travis Mitchell, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Kyle, Texas, do hereby proclaim the month of February 2021 as


AND DO HEREBY CALL upon all citizens to become familiar with the outstanding curriculum delivered by exceptional career and technical education teachers in this community, and in communities across the state, and to support and participate in these programs to enhance individual skills and productivity.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Seal of the City of Kyle, Texas, this 2nd day of February 2021.


Travis Mitchell, Mayor
Dex Ellison, Council District 1
Rick Koch, Mayor Pro Tem, Council District 5
Yvonne Flores-Cale, Council District 2
Robert Rizo, Council District 3
Ashlee Bradshaw, Council District 4
Michael Tobias, Council District 6