ACC Riverbats Day Proclamation

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
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ACC Riverbats Day Proclamation


Austin Community College District is a nationally recognized institution committed to the work that will close equity and workforce gaps, increase student success, and provide all Central Texans a path to prosperity; and


ACC is the home of the Riverbats — a vibrant reflection of the students, faculty, staff, and alumni who live, learn, and work across Central Texas; and


The ACC Riverbat represents the essence of the college and its mission and values to serve everyone who seeks to learn a new skill or trade and advance their career; and


The ACC mascot, R.B. the Riverbat, stands as a symbol of inspiration, pride, tradition, and resolve and has become a recognized figure across the region for building hope among all communities that college is for everyone; and


It is the hope of the college that through the Riverbat, every student, alum, friend, and supporter cultivates a strengthened connection to ACC’s mission, values, and commitment to building a college-going culture; and


November 2020 recognizes the 10th anniversary of the selection of the Riverbat as the ACC mascot;

Now, Therefore, I, Travis Mitchell, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Kyle, Texas, do hereby proclaim November 17, 2020 as

ACC Riverbats Day

in Kyle, Texas. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Kyle to be affixed this 17th Day of November in the Year Two Thousand Twenty

Mayor Travis Mitchell